After thoroughly searching, I found a secret door.
I crawled the blood stained hall until I finally reached a junction. Which way to go?
Normally, the treasure is hidden in the deepest depth of a dungeon, isn't it?
After fighting a long way through the blood, there was all this glittering gold lying on the dark brown rock.
Now, where are the royal chambers? There must be some sort of inner sanctum here, but it looks like a dead end.
Move along the wall, the gold will show you the way. But watch your step! There are holes in the floor.
Less blood in the other wing, revealing a pattern on the floor, and a hidden passage behind the treasure hoard.
The solution must be quite near.
-- excerpt from the epic memoirs of a Non-adventurer
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2016-05-01 15:47
;););););) :'(:'(:'(
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2017-02-18 15:02
Изящный и красивый рисунок. Спасибо.
Подобається 1 1
2017-02-18 15:20
2025-02-19 02:20
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