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Турнір #25075 «Weekly Nonograms»

Час сервера: 2025-03-11 11:42
ТурнірПризовий фондРейтинг Початок реєстрації Початок турніруТурВнесокХвилин на тур Учасники
#25075 Японські кросворди New Weekly Nonogramsclassic Призовий фонд1K   +2  1000<R06.10 12:2207.10 12:22 7/7Безкоштовно2850 (720)20 / 35
ГравецьI (07.10 12:22-09.10 11:52) #377585II (08.10 00:22-09.10 11:53) #397293III (08.10 12:22-10.10 11:52) #410018IV (09.10 00:22-10.10 23:52) #464442V (09.10 12:22-11.10 11:52) #457473VI (10.10 00:22-11.10 23:52) #462517VII (10.10 12:22-12.10 11:52) #365555ФораОчкиМісцеПриз
1378 Ksiona Online3 (42:26)12 (04:22)8 (43:29)6 (57:48)11 (41:49)5 (01:35:54)6 (10:29)05113
1185 Nestro Online6 (19:45)6 (07:06)5 (48:11)9 (42:35)8 (49:06)6 (01:25:16)4 (11:04)04414
1318 s3777 Online4 (30:16)7 (06:46)15 (21:51)7 (49:51)9 (45:38)14 (37:27)8 (09:42)064111258
2279 Ole4ka8 2025-03-10 15:03:5720 (05:20)19 (02:34)19 (15:00)15 (24:25)12 (37:22)18 (29:37)18 (05:06)0121216429
1837 Yoch.25 2025-02-18 22:27:3511 (12:12)11 (04:26)0 (-)0 (-)10 (43:10)11 (44:03)0 (-)04315
1918 Zet-Lika22 Online15 (09:34)13 (03:26)14 (25:18)13 (24:48)16 (27:08)16 (35:47)16 (06:03)010368357
1600 Suhad2 2025-03-05 08:49:550 (-)4 (07:24)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0419
1778 milutin03 Online10 (12:18)17 (02:53)7 (46:11)11 (35:18)13 (34:53)10 (57:11)15 (06:07)08393557
2178 plane8 2025-03-11 09:34:5814 (10:58)16 (02:55)17 (18:36)16 (24:17)17 (24:28)17 (30:07)14 (07:10)0111412190
2581 hapa 2025-03-09 21:26:5716 (09:22)14 (03:05)18 (16:37)18 (17:20)19 (21:08)15 (36:39)20 (05:02)0120314262
1526 VidRa Online12 (12:11)13 (03:26)12 (28:19)10 (39:12)7 (49:13)7 (01:11:24)7 (10:09)068102289
1277 ludmilkaaa70 Online9 (14:53)10 (04:42)9 (37:03)8 (44:12)9 (45:38)9 (01:01:40)9 (09:27)06312629
1927 Percy Online13 (11:59)15 (03:02)11 (31:47)14 (24:47)15 (32:15)12 (40:41)17 (05:31)09776616
2749 eLLioTT 2025-03-11 00:30:5818 (07:48)20 (01:45)20 (14:12)20 (14:15)20 (18:15)20 (27:24)19 (05:04)0137118684
1246 iingener Online7 (16:07)5 (07:12)6 (46:19)12 (27:47)0 (-)0 (-)12 (07:56)04216
1272 MiaColucci 2025-03-11 04:08:585 (23:34)9 (05:42)4 (50:01)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)5 (10:46)02318
1915 loresh 2025-03-11 09:30:5817 (08:10)18 (02:50)13 (25:58)5 (27:21:38)14 (34:38)13 (38:19)13 (07:12)09385010
2604 natashalode Online19 (07:19)14 (03:05)16 (19:13)19 (14:58)18 (24:09)19 (28:08)0 (-)0105510218
1611 natali_dm Online8 (15:51)3 (09:55)10 (36:45)17 (23:36)6 (53:30)8 (01:07:45)11 (08:33)06312629
1577 Aleksey1980 Online2 (59:49)8 (06:39)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)4 (02:24:37)10 (08:57)02417

Активні ігри

eLLioTT 52 Solver Rank
2024-10-12 13:04

ehlvis-gitaristehlvis-gitarist This one was the 105th. I'm quite proud of this, this is the equivalent of two years wining weekly tournaments.

And it's becoming harder and harder to win tournaments, players here have really increased their level. When they are at their best, @Titaniya or @DimaRick are unplayable.
@natashalode, or @hapa now can get a best score on any game, but they still lack regularity over an entire week. They are getting closer and closer.
And I can't imagine what would happen if @meduzia started playing picross.

Anyway, while waiting for the end of the reign which is getting closer from week to week, I still enjoy playing this game.

See you soon on new tournaments.

Подобається + 8     3
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2024-10-12 14:29 + 4


NinetySeven 40 Solver Rank  2024-10-12 17:29 + 3


GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2024-10-13 09:14 + 1

Wow 😮That's impressive. Congratulations! 🤩

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